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Owner / Guide

Rodney Collins guide and owner Australian Fly fishing AFO Permit Barramundi GT

Rodney has been fishing his whole life and flyfishing in North Queensland for over 20 years. Recently taking over the AFO business Rodney demands nothing but the best for his clients and is driven to ensure every trip that is booked with AFO is flawless and the very best opportunity is given for each angler to achieve their goals. Rodney is based in Townsville and covers all areas of guiding from the Whitsundays to Hinchinbrook. Permit are his favourite fish to guide clients onto.



Dave is the founder and original owner of AFO and has taken a step back from full time guiding but is still available and helps out with trips from time to time. Dave has been guiding in North Queensland for over 25 years and established a name in the Australian Flyfishing industry second to none.

If you're lucky we may just get him out of the Custom chopper shop for a trip on his skiff.




Jon Snell Guide Australian Fly fishing Outfitters AFO Permit Barramundi GT

Jon is a Cairns based guide that originated from the Sunshine Coast and moved to North Queensland in the late 90’s where he now runs his own charter operation. Jon has been working with AFO for seventeen years and has an unmatched knowledge of the Hinchinbrook Channel. Barramundi are his favourite fish to target and he loves to guide anglers onto them on fly and lure. You’ll find Jon in the off season guiding at various Arhnemland Barramundi Lodges. Jon also holds a few Australian Flyfishing records and is a fierce competitor in the annual Hinchinbrook Flyfishing Challenge where he has taken the title of champion angler seven times.



Ian has been guiding with AFO for seventeen years. His knowledge of all things fish, fly and lure are second to none. His happy and friendly personality, matched with driven professionalism has him holding high regard amongst his clients and peers. 


Ian also runs his own charter operation guiding for meter plus Barramundi on Tinaroo Dam in North Queensland where he has guided hundreds of people onto their trophy fish of a lifetime. Ian also holds an IGFA world record for Barramundi so you can be assured he knows his stuff.

Ian Kucurs Guide Australian Fly fishing Outfitters AFO

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